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The use of social media

Social media has undoubtedly become a fundamental aspect of our modern society, connecting billions of people across the globe whether it is for personal or professional use. Nonetheless, we cannot ignore the environmental consequences that come with interconnectedness. According to Greenspector, the top 10 social media platforms together emit a shocking 262 million tonnes of CO₂e, which accounts for about 0.61% of global emissions. To put it in perspective, it is equivalent to the carbon footprint of an entire country like Malaysia.

The environmental impact of social media is influenced by various factors, with data processing, storage, and hosting multimedia content being the most significant contributors. As the demand for data continues to rise, the energy required to handle and store it also accelerates, leading to higher greenhouse gas emissions.

To tackle this issue, there needs to be a two-pronged approach. First and foremost, solutions at the macro-level must be undertaken at the international or national level through regulations and incentives aimed at companies as well as individuals to reduce the impact of social media. Social media companies themselves can greatly reduce their impact by transitioning toward renewable energy sources for their data centres and improve infrastructure efficiency. By transitioning to clean energy, they can significantly reduce their carbon emissions and contribute to a more sustainable digital landscape.

Individual action also plays a crucial role in mitigating the environmental impact of social media. Limiting the creation and consumption of multimedia content, prioritising meaningful interactions over constant scrolling, and taking periodic social media detoxes are all small yet meaningful actions that, when taken collectively, can make a significant difference in reducing the overall carbon footprint of social media usage.

Important facts

According to a report by Global Web Index in July 2021, the average time spent on social networks per day is 2 hours and 24 minutes, which is an increase of 2 minutes compared to 2019.

Considering the average carbon impact (1.15 gEqCO₂) of the ten measured applications (TikTok, Reddit, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Twitch, Youtube) per 60 seconds, the estimated carbon footprint per user per day is 165.6 gEqCO₂. This is equivalent to travelling 1.4 km in a light vehicle or 60 kgEqCO₂ per user per year, equivalent to travelling 535 km in an average light vehicle.

The carbon impact of social media usage alone accounts for 1% of the carbon footprint of a French individual (7 tons).

Taking into account the average time spent on social networks according to the Visionary Marketing blog: if you only use TikTok (up to 52 minutes per projected day), you will consume nearly 149 GB per month, Instagram (up to 53 minutes per day) 51 GB and Facebook nearly 19 GB (up to 58 minutes per day) per month. This shows how much-stored data users create by using social media.


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